PLC & DCS Systems
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.
As a proud partner of ABB channel partner, we provide wide range of ABB PLCs suited for simple to complex automation solution.
AC500 PLC platform offers different performance levels and is the ideal choice for high availability, extreme environments, condition monitoring, motion control or safety solutions.

AC Drive
AC drive, also called as VFD (Variable Frequency
Drive) used to control the speed of an electrical motor and save energy. AC
drives are widely used in industrial applications including power plants,
Rolling Mill etc. As a proud partner of ABB, we provide ACS380, ACS560, ACS580
& ACS880 drives which can be used in all kind of application.

DC Drive
DC drives can be used for efficient & cost effective solution for regenerative and high power applications. DC drives are widely used in industrial applications including crane, hoists, elevatorspaper production machines, crushers etc. Our provide DCS 800 to suit all suit various industrial needs

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)is a crucial system of software and hardware elements that allows industrialorganizations to display and manage industrial processes locally or at remote locations. SCADA isused in all process industries. We have implmented number of SCADA systems foralarms & events logging, recipes, trends etc

Field Instruments
Field instruments are devices which are used in the field to measure, display and transmits data from field to controller. we provide several field insutruments like HMD, Loopers, Distance Sensor, Proximity Sensor, Photo Sensor, Encoder etc.